Aloha Friends!

We have now been quarantined for several weeks. How are you all doing? HOPE is the thought we left you with on the last post and needs to be nourished daily. Continually listening, watching and focusing on media easily undermines hope. It is hard to know what the truth is…so we turn to God’s Truth and His word says that He gives us a future and a hope…(Jeremiah 27:11) and then we TRUST. Amen!

Let’s turn to humor. Did you know that the Bible says that laughter is good medicine? Proverbs 17:22 says that “a merry heart does good, like medicine”! Better than a vaccine! Look for the funny things you’re children do or say; catch your pet in playful situations. Watch a funny, family-friendly movie. Read the comics or find a daily joke on line. Try not taking yourself too seriously. Again…. “Anxious fear brings depression, but a life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart” Proverbs 12:25 (The Passion Translation) Fill your soul with good words. What are “good” words? Words that are cheerful, joy-filled, focused on good reports; words that are uplifting to your spirit and others. Be intentional about encouraging each other. Find the “good” in others and speak it out. It will lift them up and you.

Benefits of Laughing

Physical benefits: boosts immunity, lowers stress hormones, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles and prevents heart disease.

Mental health benefits: adds joy and zest to life, eases anxiety and tension, relieves stress, improves mood, strengthens resilience

Social benefits: strengthens relationships, attracts others to us, enhances teamwork, helps defuse conflict, promotes bonding.

Taken from The Quotes.Net