They say this is the year of ‘vision’ due to 20/20. What do you think? Always good to have a vision for your life irregardless, right?!

One of the visions we have at Cornerstone Counseling is to develop a blog. All new for us, so jump on board and let us take this journey together!

Since we have been in the process of writing a book, we thought why not take excerpts from this manuscript and generate some interest in its content. Hence, when we are ready to print you all will want to purchase a copy or two!

So, how about a little history….. The original idea was birthed waayyyy back in 1996 after listening to Ed Silvosa from Harvest Evangelism at a conference in Maui. Wow- almost 25 years ago! Now that is a long time for a project, don’t you think?

You might be wondering what is the name is of the book? The title is:

Killing the lord of the flies

Strange name for a book, yes? Who is the lord of the flies? Do you know?

Comment and let us know your thoughts? Ideas?

Till next time…..